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DSP Sci-Fi Released!

We are thrilled to announce the release of DSP Sci-Fi, the latest addition to our Dynamic Sound Packs, a series of innovative tools to create sound effects for your games, animations and movies.

  • Do you need high-quality science-fiction sound effects for your creative projects?
  • Do you want to be able to easily tailor them to your exact needs?

Then DSP Sci-Fi is for you!

  • Its sounds have been crafted by professional sound designers.
  • They are fully customizable, thanks to our unique procedural audio engine.
  • DSP Sci-Fi is available at a fraction of the price (US $49) of a professional sound library, without the large disk space requirements
  • DSP Sci-Fi generates all the types of sound effects of a science-fiction universe.

    Ambiences Engine Room, Crew Quarters, Starship Bridge, Hangar Bay, Meteor Shower, Ion Storm, Space Drones, Futuristic City, Chip Market.
    Interfaces Panel, Select/Click, Confirm/Cancel, Charging Up, Telemetry, Morse Signal, Radar, Zoom/Swipe, Sonar, Interference, Alarm.
    Lifeforms Alien Language, Cybernetic Life, Insectoid, Swamp Creature, Monster Growl, Furry Creature, Ethereal Beings.
    Mechanisms Airlock, Teleporter, Servo Motor, Droid, Robot, Ventilation, Exhaust, Buzzing, Plasma Beam, Probe.
    Vehicles Battle Cruiser, Space Fighter, Speeder Bike, Exploration Rover, Transport Ship, Hyperloop, Flying Car, Patrol Car, Rocket, Landing, Hyperspace Jump, Cockpit Interior.
    Weapons Explosion, Thermal Grenade, Shield, Spaceship Laser, Blaster, Rocket Launcher, Lightblade, Shotgun, Rifle, Handgun, Metal Impact.

    The workflow is immediate: select a category (e.g. Weapons), a type of sound (e.g. Blaster), and adjust the parameters. Once you have created a sound you like, it can be saved as a WAVE file.

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    Working on a game? Export your sound and as many variations as you want directly to Unity®! DSP Sci-Fi will even generate C# scripts for you to play the sounds sequentially or with randomization!

    All the sounds generated with DSP Sci-Fi can be used for free in commercial projects.