

Tsugi is proud to be a Diamond Sponsor of AirCon24. The Airwiggles Audio Conference is completely free and will be hosted online from June 10th to June 14th on airwiggles.com, a free social platform for people working in sound.

With no high-priced tickets and no physical location to fly to, AirCon24 aims to make audio knowledge accessible to all—a goal Tsugi can definitely get behind! All you will need to attend is an internet connection!

The conference will cover a wide range of topics: game audio, audio postproduction, music, sound design, and dialogue. It will feature a total of 50 live events, panels, and 10 AMAs, from no less than 86 audio professionals. Check out this schedule packed with nuggets of knowledge!

Our own Nicolas Fournel will talk about “Sound Synthesis for Games” on June 11th at 11:30 AM UTC. He will discuss the advantages of using sound synthesis in non-linear media and will give some pointers for designing patches.


All live events will be recorded and uploaded to the AirCon Vault after the conference, where they will be available for free.

We hope you will enjoy the sessions!

